“The Answer”

Several months ago, we borrowed a car seat for our Goddaughter’s visit, and when the rightful owner didn’t want it back, it sat in our dining room waiting to be taken to Goodwill. It was definitely out of place and actually kind of creepy, so our friends inevitably made comments when they came over for drinks. “Why do you two have a baby seat?” if they were being polite, or “What’s with the creepy car seat?” if they were being honest, or more likely, “Ummm, you guys, what the actual fuck?”

The day finally arrived when I got tired of looking at a toddler’s car seat in the corner of my dining room, so I threw it in the trunk, along with several bags of clothing, ready for donation. The nice lady at Goodwill helped me unload and asked if anything was breakable, if all the shoes had mates, if the clothing was for both men & women, if I needed a receipt…she was very thorough and quite chipper. Then I went for the car seat and her whole demeanor changed. Her face became so serious and she started whispering. I had to lean in to make sure I could hear her, and I realized my tone was becoming increasingly somber as well. What was going on? “We don’t take car seats,” she said as she looked around. I didn’t know who she expected to see. Was someone watching us? “Ummm, OK, do you know where I can take it?” She looked around again. “There’s a place across the street called The Answer that accepts car seats. They do, you know, adoptions. You can take it there.” Her voice was even softer this time, and I was struggling to hear her over the din of the traffic and noisy seagulls that hovered by the dumpster. “Well, OK, how far down is it?” “Just across the street, you can’t miss it, it’s called The Answer…” and she mumbled something else as she scurried back into Goodwill. I had somehow offended her or frightened her or something. It was a weird interaction, but I needed to get this stupid car seat out of my trunk before I could fill it with groceries, so I immediately left Goodwill in search of The Answer.

She was right, The Answer was just across the street, next to a used car lot. Apparently no one was interested in buying a car just a few weeks before tax day, so the entire staff was standing around in the parking lot, swapping lies, smoking cigarettes, drinking Red Bull, shooting the breeze. There were probably about five or six white dudes, one in his early twenties, the rest in their late fifties, all corn-fed Indiana Hoosiers. These guys were in no hurry to sell cars. They were definitely more interested in watching the drama unfold at The Answer on a regular basis. Two young women were walking away from the building and getting back into their car, one on the phone and crying. It was clearly a crisis and The Answer had failed them. I looked back at the used car lot to find all of these dudes shamelessly staring at the three of us. What a bunch of self-righteous, judgmental asshats. I got out of my car and walked toward the door to inquire about donations. I was halfway down the walk when I noticed the sign in the window that said “CLOSED” and the FOR SALE sign in the front yard. FML. As I turned around to head back to my car, I noticed each and every one of car salesmen staring right at me, shaking their heads, wondering what I was going to do with my poor unborn child and how I would cope with the rest of my pitiful, insignificant life. The Answer had failed me, too, they thought. It took every once of restraint not to tell these douchenoggins to go fuck themselves.

What have I learned from this experience? Used car salesmen have earned their sleazy reputation, Goodwill only accepts clothing, shoes, and household goods, my friends are awfully blunt about housekeeping and family planning, and The Answer (a misnomer) is closed indefinitely.

Tom and Jerry: with alcohol

One of my favorite memories of Christmas 2014 is the Tom and Jerry.

I had never heard of the Tom and Jerry until I moved to NWI and started visiting Chicago on a regular basis. I don’t live in the city, but I’m not a tourist either. I’m going to have to work on a name for someone like me who is neither tourist nor resident. I digress.

Anyway, even though it’s a touristy-type place, KMc and I sincerely love Miller’s Pub and try to go there as often as possible. During the holiday season, they offer the most glorious warm beverage known as the Tom and Jerry. Basically it’s the richest, frothiest, most decadent eggnog you’ll ever try, and I absolutely adore it.

This Christmas, Karen and family came to visit us in Gary, and we did the traditional visit to the city to see the Marshall Field’s (I mean Macy’s) windows, go for a carriage ride, almost suffocate to death among the masses at the Christkindl Market, and a nice meal. Unfortunately, we didn’t go to Miller’s Pub for our meal (and Tom and Jerrys). We went to Howells and Hood in the Tribune Tower, which is one of Sweet Water’s “sister” restaurants. Very good, actually. Again, I digress.

Instead of having our Tom and Jerrys at Miller’s, Scott did something even better. He gave us a copy of his family’s own Tom and Jerry recipe so we could make them ourselves. Genius! After we got off the Southshore, we made a quick stop at Lake Street Liquors to grab some rum for our ho-made beverages. This was going to be outstanding!

We had all the other ingredients ready to go: eggs, powdered sugar, cream of tartar, nutmeg, baking soda…all set! Except the boys bought tequila at the the liquor store instead of rum. Wow, epic fail.

A few nights later, KMc and I returned from the Ben Mollin salon Christmas party (another story in and of itself) and whipped up a batch of T and Js. It was absolutely glorious. Even better than Miller’s, I say with a dash of humility. Scott’s family recipe is divine. Thanks for sharing, Hoppas.

tom and jerry 001

Fantasy Football: how it all shook out

I’m not the champion, but I can’t say my FF dreams were completely crushed this year because I was first in my division, second in the league, and I made it to the playoffs, which I’m sure is infinitely better than most people thought I would do.

Granted, I wanted to win the whole damn thing. Realistically I didn’t think this was possible, but a girl can dream. Honestly my true goal was to at least get past the first round of playoffs, which I did not. Merp. Last year, I took over a team that was in the basement and went all the way to the playoffs only to be knocked out in the first round. With the hardest schedule in the league, no less. I thought that was a pretty decent accomplishment, considering I didn’t know the difference between a WR and a RB, I could barely name more than 3 current QBs, and I had only a vague understanding of yards and downs. Not bad, eh? I did my fucking research and learned a lot along the way.

So this year, I figured getting past the first round of playoffs would be a realistic goal. Two days before playoffs, I was scheduled to play Ticklemonsters Deux, and I thought I had it made. Nooooo problem, this was going to be easier than intercepting Jay Cutler (sorry, Jerry). But then disaster struck and I checked the final playoffs schedule, and whaddya know…I’m matched with none other than Jerk Face in the first round. FML. This couldn’t be any worse. Jerk Face is my Fantasy Football friend/nemesis, my friemesis. He’s the only one who beat me both times I played him in the regular season. They were terrible, humbling blowouts. Truth be told, I’m terrified of his team. What’s worse, I beat Ticklemonsters BOTH times in the regular season. What the actual fuck.

So long story short, I didn’t make it past the first round of playoffs thanks to my friemesis, but I proudly sat at number one in the league for TEN straight weeks which is something I never thought I’d accomplish. The rest of the league cried about it behind my back and in front of my face and claimed it was all luck and easy match-ups and the easiest schedule in the league, blah blah blah. Whatever, they just couldn’t fathom that a curvy 40-year-old person with a VAGINA who flunked public school PE and hadn’t played a single organized sport since the age of nine and would rather wake up at noon with a hangover instead of train for a half-marathon would have the fucking gall to lead the league for so long. I told them it wasn’t luck, it was because I was blessed by the baby Jesus. Or maybe it was voodoo.

But actually it’s because I know how to read. I can do my research. It’s not that freakin’ hard. Next year I hope to build a better team, and now that we have a keeper league, maybe I’ll reach my goal of making it past the first round of the playoffs.

But hey, at least I got my $25 back for winning my division. That’s pretty cool, too.

‘Sup, 2015. How you doin’?

It’s a new year, and I’m not very good at sticking to challenging resolutions like losing 30 pounds (a.k.a. not gaining more than 5 pounds this year) or becoming a vegetarian (a.k.a. consuming less food from a drive-thru) or paying off my student loans (a.k.a. not opening a new line of credit). In fact, the only new year’s resolution I’ve ever stuck to in my whole life was the year I resolved to get a massage once per month. It was the greatest year of my life so far. It went like this: in January, I went to a fancy spa in Crown Point and spent a shit-ton of money up front on a 12-month massage punch card. Boom. Done. I never skipped one fucking massage. Some people, namely my mother, said a massage a month is not considered a “resolution” and therefore the whole thing is bullshit. Well, I say I resolved to do ___________ at the beginning of the year and by the end of the year I accomplished _______________, and therefore: SUCCESS!

This year, now that I’m 40 and totally grown and mature (as you can tell from all previous blog posts), I actually made what I thought was a real (and realistic) resolution: to be nicer. Simple, right? Just be less snarky on a regular basis. Think before you speak and text. No problem, I got this.

On January 2, my kind and thoughtful husband ran some errands while I was home sick and offered to buy me some new slippers to keep my feet warm during these next few months. Such a lovely gesture. This was my response. On January 2nd.


Clearly, this is going to be much harder than I initially thought.

I am an asshole.

Cheers to a new year, y’all!

When the cover is better than the original

We had a bonfire danceparty at the cabin this weekend. When things started to slow down and the tempo relaxed a little, someone played Johnny Cash’s version of “Hurt” which Katy Byt didn’t realize was a cover. That got me thinking…which other remakes are better than the original? Props to the composer for writing a badass song, but sometimes someone puts a spin on it that just makes it, well, better.

So, my first pick is No Doubt’s version of Talk Talk’s “It’s My Life.”

No Doubt version

Talk Talk version

And since I’m knee-deep in a bottle of wine on a Friday night, that’s my only submission for now. I’ll add more later and hopefully make a full Spotify playlist based on this theme. Yasss!

…the next day:

Doris Day’s original version of “Perhaps” vs Cake’s cover of the same tune.

And Sonic Youth’s cover of Superstar, made famous by the Carpenters (I guess it was originally performed by Delaney and Bonnie…whoever they are). So much better.

No disrespect, Roberta Flack, but The Fugees just plain did Killing Me Softly better. (“Two times, two times”)

I know, I know, MJ is a legend and a master of his craft, but let’s be real: Alien Ant Farm’s version of Smooth Criminal is way cooler. I’ll admit, I can’t name one single other AAF song, but is that really important?

OMGeezie, how could I forget Pixies’ stellar cover of The Jesus and Mary Chain’s Head On. It’s clearly the superior version.

Two and a half years later…

I had no idea this was a cover song! Here’s the original for comparison.

Always Something There to Remind Me” was also a surprise, but we heard the original on an episode of Mad Men a few years ago.

October, 2017: After a meal and some drinks at the Miller Bakery Cafe, we heard the original version of Mad World on the drive home. KMc insisted the Donnie Darko version was the original and the Tears for Fears bubble gum version was the cover. Not so. Once again, the cover is most certainly better.


Red Red Red

A good friend patiently listens to your pathetic story about how you lost your favorite lipstick at the bar on Halloween. You’ve just recently started wearing lipstick again, and this was some expensive shit. Clinique, I think. Like $30/tube, not fucking around lipstick. Grown-woman, professional lady lipstick. It’s been years since you’ve worn lipstick (since high school, actually), and you’d forgotten how much care and energy it takes to maintain, so no wonder you lost it at the bar on Halloween, you’re not exactly used to carrying this stuff around with your. Blah blah blah the story goes on. Your friend is no stranger to glamor, so she’s well aware of the ritual and routine of re-applying makeup in a restroom at a bar and she manages not to lose her Estee Lauder or Bonne Bell or Carmex. Whatever, she actually carries a purse like a normal girl…maybe you, too, should try this so-called “purse” this someday. If you trust yourself not to lose the whole damn thing.

So as you tell your sob story, you don’t really mind that she’s taptaptapping on her phone and only half listening because it’s not a very compelling story anyway, but you keep talking because eventually she’ll either change the subject or give you a sad face and “Awww, that really sucks, let’s do a shot” and all of a sudden everything will be all better. Either is fine, you don’t really care which as long as she somehow puts a stop to it because you apparently don’t know how to end this tragic story of lost lipstick.

Fast forward to three days later and there’s a small but intriguing package on your front step. Wait, you didn’t order anything recently. What could it be?

Are you kidding me? She was typing away on her phone while you whined about your irresponsibility and forgetfulness not because she was bored or ignoring you or Tindering all the jagoffs in the bar, but because she was ordering a BRAND NEW CLINIQUE RED RED RED just for you! SHUT THE FUCK UP! She’s the best friend ever.

But we probably should have done some shots anyway. Actually, maybe we did, I don’t really remember.


Thumbs Up. Way up!

So I finally went to Thumbs Up Tavern in Miller Beach (Gary), Indiana. After years of begging the gang to join me at this notorious bar on Lake Street, my girl, DJ KLB, enthusiastically said yes.

She came up on a Sunday for a much needed Meatbwaul day (it had been five fucking months since we’d seen each other. What?!?) and we spontaneously embarked on a Miller pub crawl. Of course we started at the Bird and almost got kicked out before we even walked in. True story. KMc, DJ KLB, Katy Byt and I walked up to the Bird with open containers (like you do) and KLB and I had to finish ours on the patio while KMc and Katy found a table. Duh. We didn’t want to waste any beer. Two minutes later, Denise busts outta the front door all frazzled and frenzied, jabbering on about excise and tickets and fines and such. Okay, Denise, calm yourself, we’ll throw our beers away and come inside, keep your panties on. (Real talk: it was 2:00 in the afternoon and we were casually drinking bottled beer on the patio of our favorite neighborhood bar like real assholes…what were we thinking?? So embarrassing.)

We watched the first quarter of the Bears game, ate some fried veggies, graciously accepted free beer from our new bestie, Larry (a kind Black gentleman with a 3″ flavor savor dangling from his chin), said a quick hello/goodbye to Pat when he arrived, then made our way to the next bar, Miller’s oldest and finest drinking establishment: the Bakery Cafe.

Meda was tending bar. Two amiable folks in Bears jerseys waved and said hello as we sat down, so we swapped lies with them and talked a little trash about 18th Street Brewery. Katie and I ordered some fancy, boozy shit off the grown-folks’ drink menu. Maybe it was the kla$$y ambiance or the fact that the Bears were up by 14, maybe it was Katie’s willingness to venture in to Thumbs Up with me, or maybe it was my sassy short dress and red lipstick, but I was feeling pretty good. A few other friendly people wandered in to watch the end of the game and enjoy a drink, and everyone was in such good spirits. Within minutes we were all chatting as if we’d planned to meet up here at the MBC for a cocktail. I went to the restroom to reapply my lipstick (that shit is hard to maintain), and when I got back to my seat, DJ KLB was all the way across the bar practically sitting on some dude’s lap and helping herself to his chocolate cake. And I’m not really surprised because, well, it’s Katie Blair and she’s a fucking badass. She pretends to be coy and a wee bit embarrassed when she sees me as she slides off Mr. Cutie McBootie’s lap and saunters back to my side of the bar. I love this girl. Our other new friend, Karen, who recently moved to Miller, was telling us about her troubles with moving from the Lake Street area to the Indian Boundary side. She’s this gorgeous platinum blonde 40-something divorcee with a teenager who’s in the midst of reinventing herself. Miller is either the perfect place for someone like her or maybe the most toxic place for someone like her, I dunno which. So I gave her my card (I’m a professional lady) and whaddya know, she sent me a text moments after we left. What a doll.

After leaving the poshest bar in Miller, we went straight across the street to Thumbs Up Tavern, the scariest and most methiest pub in town. We made a solid plan before entering: a shot of Jameson and a bottle of Miller Lite each. Cash. We walked in with a purpose, sat down on the rickety-ass stools and slapped our $20 bill on the bar. There were no surprises when the bartender put our bottles of Miller Lite in front of us, but when the “shots” of Jameson arrived…let’s just say they were more like sips than shots. If you’ve ever had complimentary mouthwash in a public restroom, you’re familiar with the teeny-tiny plastic containers that accompany a single pump of free Listerine. You have to hold it very gingerly with only your thumb and index finger, pinkies out and puckered lips. I just knew I was going to spill this $5 sip of whiskey, so my face had to move toward my hand instead of my hand coming to my mouth. After our dainty taste of Jameson, we grabbed our beer and sat down at a picnic table (yes, picnic tables inside) to do some serious people watching. We saw one great-granny in a sheer blouse with strategically placed sequins shimmying all over the dance floor, a few butch lesbians huddled near the free buffet, and lots of skinny Region Rats with 100-mile gazes and ill-fitting clothes. Within seconds, someone named “Raphael” asked Katie to dance (later she told me the song was called “Wagon Wheel” and I took her word for it), and he was doing the jitterbug, the Charleston, and even the Pulp Fiction Mia Wallace cat eyes dance. Out-fucking-standing. I love this bar.

I had accomplished everything I needed to at Thumbs Up, so we skedaddled over to Dirtty’s (Miller’s newest drinking establishment), which is a live jazz & blues club “for adults 40 and up.” Katie didn’t get carded and she pretended to be hoppin’ mad for about two seconds until she realized it was a bar full of mostly men. As a resident of Gary I’ve learned that, “No one knows how old white people are” and I reassured her that she should in no way be insulted. Just like Thumbs Up, none of the gang would go to Dirtty’s with me, so once again DJ KLB is my hero, my wing woman, my bestie. She just said, “Fuck yeah, we’re going to a place called Dirtty’s with two T’s.” Let me be clear,this place is an optical illusion…from the outside, it looks about as big as a shot glass from Thumbs Up. But once you step through the front door, it has a huge horseshoe bar in the middle, countless hightops and chairs, a stage at the back, and even a little cozy fireplace area with lounge chairs and end tables. It’s enormous on the inside with intimate lighting, drapery, exposed brick, and who am I trying to fool it was dark and I was tipsy I have no idea what it looked like. We ordered Stoli and sodas, but what we got from the waitress was stemless wine glasses filled to the fucking brim with vodka on the rocks and just a hint of a splash of sodawater. I couldn’t even finish mine, but Katie put the straw all the way to the back of her throat and just sucked the whole thing down. We were probably there for about 6 minutes total. Boom. I accomplished everything I needed to at Dirtty’s and was ready to get the hell outta there.

The Miller pub crawl was a success. Thank you, DJ KLB, for coming to Gary on a Sunday night and drinking way too much with me. I love you forever.

Fantasy Football: I just did WHAT?!?

Holy fucking cheeseballs, my fantasy team is in 1st place in my league. Yes. You read that correctly. Eat My Punt is currently the team to beat, and I’m going to savor this feeling as long as I possibly can, which is probably going to be exactly one week.

But wait, there’s more…

Last week was my SECOND blow-out. I’ve won two medals for greatest margin of victory and am poised for a third major victory this week.

*deep breaths*

Don’t get too cocky.

Damn, it feels good to be a wiener, I mean, a winner.

10 most influential novels (oooops, one is a play)

Just 10, off the dome, don’t think too hard. Yes, you will forget something soooo important to you, to your development as a human being, something close to your heart, but the stakes are low. Just rattle off the first 10 that come to mind. GO!

1. Invisible Man: Ellison
2. Breakfast of Champions: Vonnegut
3. Foxfire: confessions of a girl gang: Oates
4. The Lone ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven: Alexie
5. Anne frank: diary of a young girl
6. Midnight’s Children: Rushdie
7. Are you there vodka? It’s me Chelsea: Handler
8. The BFG: Dahl
9. Backlash: Faludi
10. A streetcar named desire: Williams
